Given an amount of cents, what is the minimum number of coins needed to get the amount?
Version #1
# preorder: root, left (25), mid (10), right (9)
total = 30
totalCoin = 0
minCoin = 100
def preorder(leftOver, direction):
global totalCoin
global minCoin
print ("minCoin ", minCoin, " : totalCoin ", totalCoin, " : leftOver ", leftOver, " : direction ", direction)
if (leftOver > 0):
totalCoin +=1
preorder(leftOver - 25, 1)
preorder(leftOver - 10, 0)
preorder(leftOver - 1, -1)
if (leftOver == 0):
if (minCoin > totalCoin):
minCoin = totalCoin
if (direction == -1):
totalCoin -= 1
preorder(total, 1)
Version #2: prevent from going back to left if mid/right
# root, left (25), mid (10), right (9)
# preorder: root, left, mid, right
total = 30
totalCoin = 0
minCoin = 100
def preorder(leftOver, direction):
global totalCoin
global minCoin
print ("minCoin ", minCoin, " : totalCoin ", totalCoin, " : leftOver ", leftOver, " : direction ", direction)
if (leftOver > 0):
totalCoin +=1
if (direction > 0) :
preorder(leftOver - 25, 1)
if (direction > -1) :
preorder(leftOver - 10, 0)
preorder(leftOver - 1, -1)
if (leftOver == 0):
if (minCoin > totalCoin):
minCoin = totalCoin
if (direction == -1):
totalCoin -= 1
preorder(total, 1)
Version #3: stop early
# root, left (25), mid (10), right (9)
# preorder: root, left, mid, right
total = 30
totalCoin = 0
minCoin = 100
def preorder(leftOver, direction):
global totalCoin
global minCoin
print ("minCoin ", minCoin, " : totalCoin ", totalCoin, " : leftOver ", leftOver, " : direction ", direction)
if (totalCoin < minCoin):
if (leftOver > 0):
totalCoin +=1
if (direction > 0) :
preorder(leftOver - 25, 1)
if (direction > -1) :
preorder(leftOver - 10, 0)
preorder(leftOver - 1, -1)
if (leftOver == 0):
if (minCoin > totalCoin):
minCoin = totalCoin
if (direction == -1):
totalCoin -= 1
preorder(total, 1)